Wednesday, January 30, 2008

firsts vs. lasts

tonight is my last night in this tiny two bedroom apartment. tomorrow i move into a duplex, a brand new adventure.

i've lived in bend for almost seven months now and i can't believe it. the first night i was here, it felt so surreal. my expectations of what was going to follow were so high, i wasn't about to go back to what i had. although, i was timid and almost positive i wouldn't make any real friends. i thought i'd get a 9:00-5:00 that i dreaded everyday. i was terrified i'd freeze in the snow.

on the drive from anaheim to bend, i kept thinking of the lasts i was having. . but here i am, so excited for the firsts i'll soon have.

life has exceeded my expectations. i'm learning to be dependent on the One who brought me here.

i can't WAIT to see what the next seven months have in store.

what we do here is just the beginning.

1 comment:

Vicky said...

I liked the last line about what the next 7 months have in store. Seems like those 7 months turned out all right :)